1/29/2015 – Stamford Firefighters Rescue Dog From Condo Fire
By Deputy Chief Philip HayesPublished On: January 30, 2015Categories: Media Releases, Photo GalleryTags: structure fireViews: 640Three Engines, a Truck Company, a Rescue Company and a Deputy Chief (Incident Commander) were dispatched to 1611 Washington Blvd for a report of an activated fire alarm. Engine 5 was first to arrive on the scene of a three story townhouse condominium complex and initially saw no visible signs of smoke or fire. On [...]
1/28/2015 – A Chimney Fire With Extension At 172 Fairview Ave. is Quickly Brought Under Control
By Deputy Chief Philip HayesPublished On: January 29, 2015Categories: Media Releases, Photo GalleryTags: structure fireViews: 649A Box assignment of three Engines, a Truck Company, a Rescue Company and the Deputy Chief (Incident Commander) responded to a report of a possible structure fire, smoke on the second floor of a two story residential home on Shippan Point. Engine 4 was first to arrive and observed embers shooting from the Chimney, indicating [...]
1/13/2015 -1 Alarm Apartment Fire at 933 Summer Street
By Deputy Chief Philip HayesPublished On: January 14, 2015Categories: Photo GalleryTags: structure fireViews: 643This apartment fire was reported by off-duty Firefighter Kyle Houser, who was in the Midtown News Store, below the apartment, after he smelled smoke in the store. Photographs by Retired Firefighter Rich Gillespie [wonderplugin_gridgallery id="3"]
1/7/15 – 31 Rolling Wood Drive Residential Structure Fire
By Deputy Chief Philip HayesPublished On: January 12, 2015Categories: Photo GalleryTags: structure fireViews: 675The Stamford, Turn of River and Belltown Fire Departments were dispatched to a reported fire in a house. The caller reported that everybody was out of the house. SFD Engine 8 was the first Engine to arrive on the scene and found a two and a half story, wood frame residential home with a [...]
1/9/15 – 2nd Alarm Residential Structure Fire at 9 Woodland Avenue
By Deputy Chief Philip HayesPublished On: January 11, 2015Categories: Photo GalleryTags: structure fireViews: 628Station 2 firefighters were the first to arrive at 9 Woodland Ave for a reported structure fire. Firefighters found fire showing from third floor so they stretched 2 " hand line through front door to third floor. Upon reaching third floor rear apartment, only a slight smoke condition was noticed in the room. Firefighters pull [...]
12/31/1998 – The Vacant Burdick School Fire
By Deputy Chief Philip HayesPublished On: December 29, 2014Categories: Photo Gallery, The SFD In HistoryViews: 1173The vacant Burdick School was at the corner of Grove and Forest Streets. The school burned decades earlier, but this New Year Eve fire required the demolition of the building. At the time of the fire, a small part of the building was being used for storage by the Board of Education. Photographers: Frank Belfari [...]
The Jesse Lewis Playground Project Dedication
By Deputy Chief Philip HayesPublished On: May 6, 2014Categories: Member News, Photo GalleryViews: 747Pictures from the dedication ceremony on May 4th, 2014. [nggallery id=10 template=caption]
2014 News Years Day Extrication
Engine 1 and Rescue 1 worked an early morning extrication of a driver and managed to wedge himself against an office building on Elm Street, [nggallery id=9]
8th Annual Stamford Firefighters Toy Drive Gifts Distributed to Kids Across Stamford
By Deputy Chief Philip HayesPublished On: December 23, 2013Categories: Member News, Photo GalleryViews: 633Members of the Stamford Professional Firefighters Association (SPFA) helped Santa collect, wrap and deliver hundreds of gifts to children who were at the Franklin Street Shelter, the Salvation Army, the Wilson Food Pantry, the Stamford Hospital as Pediatric patients and other selected locations. Fire Fighter Donald Lowndes, the organizer of the Stamford Fire Fighters’ toy drive, [...]