• The First 30 seconds of the September 15, 2022 Fully Involved Tesla Fire

    By Published On: September 16, 2022Categories: Media ReleasesViews: 922

    https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JHuFwGmIc7A Engine Company #4 of the Stamford Fire Department was first to arrive on the scene and stretched a 1-3/4' hoseline. They arrived just six minutes after the inital dispatch. And additional two hose lines were later put into service which allowed them to extinguish the fire in 43 minutes.

  • Fully Involved Tesla Car Fire Takes 42 Minutes to Extinguish

    By Published On: September 15, 2022Categories: Media ReleasesTags: Views: 23142

    600 Gallons of Water Per Minute Help Suppress Challenging Fire Incident Number: 22-08855Incident Date: Thursday, September 15, 2022 at 11:18 AMIncident Location: In Back of 1132 E Main Street At 11:18 AM today, the Stamford Combined 911 Dispatch Center began receiving calls of a car fire behind the Blue Ginger Restaurant at 1132 E Main Street.  Additional [...]

  • Evening Fire at Stamford Town Center Damages Elevator

    By Published On: July 26, 2022Categories: Media ReleasesViews: 1246

    The Quick Actions of an Elevator Mechanic Prevented Significant Damage. STAMFORD, CT (July 26, 2022) - At 8:09 PM, Stamford firefighters were dispatched to a report of a fire involving at elevator at the Stamford Town Center in downtown Stamford.  4 Engine Companies, 1 Truck Company, 1 Heavy Rescue Company, and the Shift Commander responded with a [...]

  • Retired Firefighter Edward F. Nemchek Passed Away On July 10, 2021

    By Published On: July 13, 2022Categories: Member NewsViews: 1235

    Our apologies to the Nemchek family on not getting this posted earlier. I was just made aware of his his death today. Captain Philip Hayes It is with deep regret that the Stamford Fire Department announces the passing of Edward F. Nemchek, Sr. 90, who passed away peacefully in his home on Saturday, July 10, [...]

  • Bystanders, Lifeguards, Police, Fire and EMS All Play Crucial Role In Rescuing Possible Drowning Victim

    By Published On: June 23, 2022Categories: Media ReleasesViews: 1237

    At 10:45 this morning, the Stamford Combined 911-Communications Center began receiving multiple calls of a person drowning at Cummings Beach.  There was some initial confusion as to the exact sequence of events that led to the victim's situation, but multiple Stamford Police, Fire and EMS units were all dispatched to the scene. E4 from the [...]

  • President Joseph R. Biden, Jr. to Award Medals of Valor to Stamford Firefighters

    By Published On: May 16, 2022Categories: Department News, Media ReleasesTags: Views: 1435

    On May 16, 2022, President Joseph R. Biden, Jr., will award the Medal of Valor to fifteen public safety officers, including two officers who died in the line of duty, during a ceremony in the East Room. These awards are for acts of bravery in eight different incidents during the 2019-2020 and 2020-2021 award cycles. [...]

  • Two-Alarm Fire At Vacant Two-Story Commercial Structure on Stamford’s Southend

    By Published On: April 30, 2022Categories: Media ReleasesViews: 698

    No Injuries Report At 1811 hours, the Stamford Combined Dispatched Center began receiving calls of a structure fire at 37 Manhattan Street.  A one-alarm assignment consisting of three engines, a tower ladder, a rescue, a rapid intervention team and a shift commander was dispatched and arrived within minutes of the initial calls.  The first arriving firefighters reported [...]

  • Off-Duty Stamford Fire Captain Seeks Public Support In Bringing Historical Relics Back to Stamford

    By Published On: April 29, 2022Categories: Media ReleasesViews: 732

    These Relics Are Over One-Hundred Years Old! THE FOLLOWING INFORMATION SHOULD NOT BE CONSIDERED AS AN OFFICIAL PRESS RELEASE BY THE STAMFORD FIRE DEPARTMENT BUT IS BEING DISTRIBUTED FOR INFORMATIONAL PURPOSES ONLY The following was written by Fire Captain Philip Hayes. Capt Hayes has been actively involved as the Department's unofficial historian for many years, [...]

  • Thinking About Applying and Want To Know What CPAT Is?

    By Published On: April 25, 2022Categories: Department News, Important InformationTags: Views: 5651

    The video, shown below, explains the Candidate Physical Ability Test (CPAT). It consists of eight separate events requiring you to progress along a predetermined path from event to event in a continuous manner. The events include: Stair ClimbHose DragEquipment CarryLadder Raise and ExtensionForcible EntryMaze SearchVictim Drag Ceiling Breach and Pull. The International Association of Fire [...]