Fire in South End, Multi-family house quickly extinguished.
By Deputy Chief Philip HayesPublished On: September 11, 2018Categories: Media ReleasesTags: structure fireViews: 550Units responded to 273 Washington Blvd @2044 for a walk-in, report of a fire on the third floor. One of the occupants of the building walked in to South End Fire Station and reported that his building was on fire. Units from the South End Fire Station #2 responded along with additional units from Headquarters, [...]
City Announces Second-Annual Public Safety Citizen’s Academy
By Deputy Chief Philip HayesPublished On: September 11, 2018Categories: Media ReleasesTags: Citizen’s Academy, City of Stamford, Public SafetyViews: 466STAMFORD, CT – Mayor David Martin is pleased to announce that the Office of Public Safety, Health and Welfare will be hosting its third-annual Public Safety Citizen’s Academy this year tentatively beginning September 27th and encourages residents to participate. The Citizen’s Academy is an effective way of bringing police officers, firefighters, emergency medical, health and [...]
Firefighters Remove Injured Construction Worker From Collapse of Temporary Shoring
By Deputy Chief Philip HayesPublished On: August 30, 2018Categories: Media ReleasesTags: RescueViews: 747Worker Was Disentangled Then Removed With Aerial Device Earlier today, a construction worker was injured as structural shoring being removed gave way, falling on a worker who was positioned below it.. The incident happened on the 2nd floor of the property at 1 Greyrock Place. Units from Stamford Fire Department and Stamford Emergency Medical Services [...]
“Someone on the Suncoast You Should Know: Charlie Haggerty”
By Deputy Chief Philip HayesPublished On: August 19, 2018Categories: In The NewsTags: FeaturedViews: 900Retired Stamford Firefighter Charles W Haggerty has amassed quite a collection of firefighting memorabilia and was featured in an August 8, 2018, SNN news broadcast in Sarasota, Florida. Charlie was a supernumerary Firefighter before becoming a Regular Fireman of the SFD on July 30, 1958. Also becoming regular firefighters with Charlie on that date were: Henry L. [...]
Our Media Release Distribution System Has Been Updated
By Deputy Chief Philip HayesPublished On: August 17, 2018Categories: Media ReleasesTags: History, Media Release, News, Photos, Press Release, Public InformationViews: 521The Stamford Fire Department is pleased to announce a significant upgrade to our Media Release Distribution System. With the upgrade, we will no longer be sending faxes to any of the fax numbers we have one file. Our new system will send HTML Media Releases, instead of PDF's, to individuals and/or agencies that subscribe to [...]
This Is A Test!
This is only a test of our automated press release system Incident Number: Incident Location: Incident Date: 1900-01-01 00:00:00.0
A Heavy Line Of Thunderstorms Storms Swamp Rush Hour Commuters In Flooded Roadways
By Deputy Chief Philip HayesPublished On: June 28, 2018Categories: Media ReleasesTags: FeaturedViews: 909Numerous Rescues From Submerged Vehicles Made A heavy line of thunderstorms rolled into the Stamford area just before 5 pm today, at the peak of the rush-hour commute. The storms caused extensive flooding in not only the usual flood-prone areas but in countless areas across the City of Stamford. The Stamford 911 Center began receiving calls at 4:54, [...]
Retired Firefighter George Thomas Searles Sr., 84, Has Passed Away
By Deputy Chief Philip HayesPublished On: June 16, 2018Categories: Member NewsTags: Funeral, Retired, WakeViews: 719It is with deep regret that the Stamford Fire Department announces the passing of retired Stamford Firefighter George Thomas Searles Sr. Firefighter Searles was 84 year old, formerly of Stamford and more recently of Shelton. He passed away on Friday, June 8, 2018. Born February 5, 1934, George was a graduate of Stamford High School [...]
Retired Deputy Chief Thomas A. Petrone Has Passed Away
It is with deep regret that the Stamford Fire Department announces the passing of retired Deputy Chief Thomas A. Petrone. Chief Petrone was 94 and passed away at home in Stratford on April 29. Born April 5, 1924 in Stamford to George and Mary Petrone, he was married for 61 years to the late Dorothy [...]