Former Fire Commissioner William Spencer Callion, Jr., 1945-2019
Fire Commissioner William Spencer (Bill) Callion Jr. It is with deep regret that the Stamford Fire Department announces the passing of former Fire Commissioner William Spencer (Bill) Callion Jr.. Fire Commissioner Callion transitioned on Saturday, February 2, 2019 at Stamford Hospital surrounded by his family. He was born on December 14, 1945 in Madison, Arkansas [...]
Retired Stamford Firefighter Sean Elumba Has Passed Away.
By Deputy Chief Philip HayesPublished On: January 14, 2019Categories: Member NewsTags: Death, Retired, RetireeViews: 737Sean R Elumba It is with deep regret that the Stamford Fire Department announces the passing of retired Firefighter Sean Elumba. He was born on December 12, 1944, and was 74 years old. Firefighter Elumba was hired by the Stamford Fire Department on December 14, 1970 and served the citizens of Stamford for just over [...]
Retired Fire Lieutenant Jeremiah (Jerry) Ormond Has Passed Away
By Deputy Chief Philip HayesPublished On: November 4, 2018Categories: Member NewsTags: Obituary, RetiredViews: 1086It is with deep regret that the Stamford Fire Department announces the passing of retired Stamford Fire Lieutenant Jeremiah (Jerry) Ormond. Lieutenant Ormond served the Fire Department for 22 years. We are grateful for his dedicated service. Our thoughts and prayers are with Lieutenant Ormond's family during this difficult time. The following is his published obituary. "We've lost [...]
Its Time To Change Your Clocks & Change Your Smoke Detector Batteries
By Deputy Chief Philip HayesPublished On: November 2, 2018Categories: Media Releases, Safety FactsTags: FeaturedViews: 1142It’s that time of year again to “fall back", marking the end of Daylight Saving Time. Please take this opportunity to prepare your home for fire emergencies and change the smoke alarm battery if they have replaceable batteries. Did you know? Three out of five home fire deaths result from fires in properties without working [...]
Fire Prevention Week is October 7-13, 2018
By Deputy Chief Philip HayesPublished On: October 8, 2018Categories: Department News, In The News, Media Releases, Safety FactsTags: #FirePreventionWeek, #TestYourAlarms, FeaturedViews: 1068Important Fire Safety Tips Choose interconnected smoke alarms, so when one sounds, they all sound. Put smoke alarms inside and outside each bedroom and sleeping area. Put alarms on every level of the home. Make sure your smoke alarms work. Your family is not safe if they can’t hear the smoke ala Test smoke alarms [...]
Retired Firefighter Walter Lohotsky, 92, Has Passed Away
It is with deep regret, that the Stamford Fire Department announces the passing of Retired Firefighter Walter Lohotsky. Firefighter Lohotosky, of Stamford Connecticut, passed away in peace on Sunday September 23 at the age of 92. Walt was born in New York City and was raised in Banksville Connecticut, then the hinterlands of Greenwich, complete with [...]
Retired Firefighter John Labati, 88, Has Passed Away.
By Deputy Chief Philip HayesPublished On: September 24, 2018Categories: Member NewsTags: Firefighter, Retired, RetireeViews: 695It is with deep regret that the City of Stamford Fire Department announces the passing of retired Firefighter John Robert Labati. Firefighter Labati, 88, of Stamford, CT passed away peacefully at Greenwich Hospital on September 20th, surrounded by his family. John, one month shy of this 89th birthday, was the beloved husband of 61 [...]
Stamford Emergency Services assist boat in distress
On Saturday, September 22, 2018 at 11:19 pm the Stamford Emergency Communications Center received a 911 call from residents of the Palmer's Landing condo complex reporting a vessel in distress with passengers aboard yelling "We need help" in the vicinity of the hurricane barrier in Stamford Harbor. Fire units from the East Side, Waterside, Woodside [...]
Worker Injured at South End Construction Site
By Deputy Chief Philip HayesPublished On: September 17, 2018Categories: Media ReleasesTags: RescueViews: 721Victim removed by S.F.D. Tower Ladder (Stamford, CT. 09/17/2018) At 1:23 pm a 9-1-1 call reporting that a construction worker had fallen was received by the Emergency Communications Center. The location was a building being demolished at 860 Canal Street in the city's southend. Stamford Police, Fire, and EMS units were dispatched to the scene [...]