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Date: September 4, 2024 6:30 pm @ Westover Magnet Elementary School

Stamford, CT – On Wednesday, September 4, 2024, the Stamford Fire Department proudly hosted a Swearing-In and Awards Ceremony, celebrating the exceptional dedication and leadership of its members who work tirelessly to protect the lives and property of Stamford residents. During the ceremony, four Deputy Fire Chiefs, seven Fire Captains, and 11 Lieutenants were sworn in by The Honorable Mayor Caroline Simmons, marking a new chapter of leadership in the department.

In addition to the promotions, the department recognized the bravery and efficient work of its firefighters over the past several years with six Unit Citations Awards and two EMS Awards presented to more than two dozen recipients. These awards highlight the department’s unwavering commitment to protecting the citizens of Stamford, whether battling fierce fires, responding to critical emergencies, or delivering life-saving medical care.

Stamford Fire Chief Robert Morris lauded the courage and professionalism displayed by the department’s members, emphasizing the importance of teamwork, dedication, and resilience in maintaining the safety of the community.


Deputy Chief Ryan Kerwin
Deputy Chief Michael McCullagh
Deputy Chief Carl Alton
Deputy Chief Philip Hayes

Captain Donald Lowndes
Captain Martin Bucci
Captain David Williamson
Captain Theodore Stanek
Captain Thomas Newman
Captain Brian Whitbread
Captain Joseph Maida

Lieutenant Eric Strain
Lieutenant Jason Teitelbaum
Lieutenant Adam Fullilove
Lieutenant Andrew Siano
Lieutenant Brittany Christophersen
Lieutenant Keven O’Brien
Lieutenant Michael Gallas
Lieutenant Carl Fox
Lieutenant Daniel Hickman
Lieutenant Angelo Ripegno
Lieutenant Sean Kearns


482 West Main Street – June 25, 2022
Incident #22-05838

On June 25th, 2022, at 6:14 am, the Stamford 9-1-1 center received a call for something on fire. Engine 3, Engine 2, Engine 5, Truck 3, Rescue 1, and Unit 4 responded to 482 West Main Street for the reported structure fire. Engine 3 arrived on scene, finding no visible smoke from the outside. On entering the building, it was determined that the fire alarm system had been activated, indicating an alarm activation on the fourth floor. Engine 3 crew and Truck 3 investigated, finding a moderate smoke condition in the hallway. While crews began stretching their hose line from the stairwell, the Truck 3 and Engine 3 officers searched for the fire apartment. They discovered smoke coming from behind the door of apartment 408. After forcing entry to the apartment, crews immediately found two occupants who were struggling to get out of the living area of the apartment, which had thick smoke covering the ceiling and floor. Due to the condition of the two victims, the Truck 3 and Engine 3 crews slowly escorted them through the now-heavy smoke to the stairs. Both suffered significant smoke inhalation and were removed from the building for medical treatment. They were both transported by Stamford EMS to Stamford Hospital.

In recognition of this exemplary effort, the Group 2 crews of Engine 3 and Truck 3, at the time of this rescue, are awarded company unit citations with individual commendations.

Engine 3
Captain Philip Hayes
FF/Driver Michael Reyen
FF Justin Tomczyk
FF David O’Hara

Truck 3
Lieutenant Sean Daly
FF/Driver John Zoppi
FF Anthony Marino
FF Truman Small

Interstate 95 North, between Exit 8-9 – March 5, 2024
Incident #24-02247

On March 5th, 2024, at 10:59 am, Engine 2, Truck 3, Engine 5, Rescue 1, and Unit 4 responded to Interstate 95 Northbound between exits 8 & 9 Response for a motor vehicle collision involving several vehicles, including two large trucks. Unit 4 arrived on scene and confirmed the location and a technical rescue incident involving a Semi-truck and a dump truck. Additional resources were requested to the scene, including a heavy rescue from the Greenwich Fire Department. Crews from Engine 5, Rescue 1, Engine 2, Truck 3, Greenwich Fire Department, and members of the mechanical division worked for an extended period of time to free one heavily trapped driver from the cab of a dump truck that had collided with the rear of a tractor-trailer, requiring an extensive extrication effort that involved multiple extrication tools, the use of heavy wreckers from Bill’s towing and all hands operating at the scene. The dump truck driver was transported to Stamford Hospital by Stamford EMS and recovered from his injuries.

In recognition of this exemplary effort, the Group 2 crews of Engine 2, Truck 3, Engine 5, Rescue 1, Unit 4, and the mechanical division at the time of this rescue are awarded company unit citations with individual commendations.

Engine 2 
Lieutenant Brian Rosero
FF/Driver Thomas Gibbons
FF Julio Lopes
FF Andrew Pepe

Engine 5
Lieutenant Robert Pickering
FF/Driver Barry Hunt
FF Scott Samson
FF Nathan Ethier

Truck 3 
Captain James Mastro
FF/Driver Michael Battinelli
FF John Gagliano
FF Daniel Malarkey

Unit 4 
Deputy Chief’s Aide Richard LoRusso

Rescue 1
Captain Michael McCullagh
FF/Driver Christopher Gloersen
FF Anthony Comarella
FF Kevin Campbell

Mechanical Division
Mechanical Supervisor Frank Docimo
Fire Mechanic Jason LoRusso
Fire Mechanic Matthew Genovese

40 Custer Street – November 30, 2022
Incident #22-11509

On November 30th, 2022, at 4:07 pm, the Stamford 9-1-1 center received a call from a neighbor reporting a fire alarm going off in an adjacent unit, and the caller could smell smoke. Engine 6, Engine 5, Engine 2, Truck 3, Rescue 1, and Unit 4 responded to 40 Custer Street for the reported structure fire. Engine 6 arrived first and reported “nothing showing” from the exterior. Moments after arriving, E6’s crew and the Deputy Chief were approached by a hysterical female who stated she was the apartment’s occupant. E6’s crew opened the front door to the unit and were met by a heavy smoke condition from floor to ceiling. After further questioning, the occupant stated her children were still inside. E6’s crew immediately entered the unit to search for the missing children and locate the fire. A two-year-old child and a three-year-old child were quickly located and found to be semi-conscious, lying on the floor of the second-level bedroom. E6’s crew removed the children to the exterior, where they received life-saving emergency medical care by responding firefighters and paramedics.

In recognition of this exemplary effort, the Engine 6, Group 1 crew at the time of this rescue, is awarded an Engine company unit citation with individual commendations.

Engine 6
Lieutenant Kevin Dingle
FF/Driver Toren Murphy
FF Peter Degnan
FF Joseph Terenzio

Norwalk River, Smith Street at Moodys Lane – February 8, 2024
Incident #24-01334

On February 8th, 2024, at 12:34 pm, Rescue 1 and Engine 5 responded mutual aid to Norwalk FD for a dive rescue response in the Norwalk River. Upon arrival, the crews were briefed by Norwalk Fire Department personnel about a vehicle occupied by at least one adult male had submerged upside down mid-channel in the river. The company officers formulated a deployment plan while Rescue 1 divers donned SCUBA gear with assistance from Engine 5’s crew. After a final safety briefing, rescue divers Jonathan Ranola and Nicholas Chiappetta were deployed into the water. Rescue diver Kyle Houser remained on the dock for backup. At the same time, the Engine 5 crew staffed tethered safety lines and underwater communications. Upon reaching the submerged vehicle, FF Chiappetta used a center punch to break the window and, along with FF Ranola, was able to pull the victim from the car. After FF Chiappetta and FF Ranola surfaced with the victim, FF Houser was deployed to assist with bringing the victim into the dock. The victim was removed from the water and turned over to Norwalk EMS for treatment.

In recognition of this exemplary effort, the Group 4 crews of Engine 5 & Rescue 1, at the time of this rescue, are awarded company unit citations with individual commendations.

Engine 5 
Acting Lieutenant Carl Fox
FF/Driver Robert Procaccini
FF Michael Newman
FF Justin Tomczyk

Rescue 1
Captain Brian Ohleth
FF/Driver Kyle Houser
FF Jonathan Ranola
FF Nicholas Chiappetta

1 Atlantic Street – July 5th, 2022
Incident #22-06265

On July 5th, 2022, at 3:09 pm, Engine 1, Truck 1, Engine 5, Rescue 1, and Unit 4 responded to One Atlantic St for multiple reports of a bus versus a pedestrian in which the pedestrian was stuck underneath the bus. Engine 1 arrived on scene and made patient contact. The patient was found conscious and alert but wedged underneath the front axle of an articulating bus, lying on her stomach with her right arm pinned underneath her chest. The crews immediately began stabilizing the bus to prevent further movement of the bus tires. They then gained control of the air suspension passenger assist system. Crew members contacted the patient, reassuring her and maintaining communication during the rescue effort. The crews lifted the bus off the patient using high-pressure airbags and stabilization. Once the patient was clear, crew members could slide the patient from underneath the axle, removing the patient from underneath the bus. The patient was then moved to a waiting stretcher. Stamford EMS transported her to Stamford Hospital for further medical evaluation and treatment.

In recognition of this exemplary effort, the Group 1 crews of Engine 1, Truck 1, Engine 5, and Rescue 1, at the time of this rescue, are awarded company unit citations with individual commendations.

Engine 1 
Acting Lieutenant Daniel Meenan
FF/Driver Brian Slattery
FF Riley Cronin
FF Michael Newman

Engine 5
Acting Lieutenant Nicholas DeAngelo
FF/Driver David Morris
FF Patrick Gill
FF James Romaniello, III

Truck 1 
Captain David Harriott A
FF/Driver John Lockwood
FF/Bucket Jonathan Lund
FF Christopher LoRusso

Rescue 1
Acting Captain John Searles
FF/Driver Gregg Radachowsky
FF Eric Strain
FF William Wieck

Interstate 95 North, between Exit 8-9 – June 19, 2024
Incident #24-06121

On June 19, 2024, at 06:20, Engine 3 & Rescue 1 responded to a report of a motor vehicle accident on I-95 North by Exit 9, which was reported to be a tractor-trailer versus a bus. Upon arrival, it was determined that a large box truck had rear-ended a tractor-trailer. Rescue 1 arrived on scene and requested Engine 5 to respond for further assistance with the extrication after assessing the situation. Bringing a third unit on scene also brought Unit 4 to the scene. The box truck’s left front end struck the center of the trailer, which pinned the box truck’s driver in the wreckage. Crews worked to stabilize the large trucks and the driver simultaneously and began efforts to extricate the driver using conventional methods. A heavy-duty tow truck from Bill’s Service arrived on the scene. It lifted the trailer upwards off the box truck, working alongside the fire department and mechanical division crews. This enabled fire crews to pull the box truck away from the trailer. Once the vehicles were separated, units used conventional extrication tools to perform a complicated extrication to remove the driver from the truck’s crushed cab. The extrication had to occur slowly and methodically due to the need to control bleeding and apply tourniquets as pieces of the truck were removed and/or displaced. The patient was transported by Stamford EMS to Stamford Hospital and survived his severe injuries.

In recognition of this exemplary effort, the Group 2 crews of Engine 3, Engine 5, Rescue 1, and the mechanical division at the time of this rescue are awarded company unit citations with individual commendations.

Engine 3 
Acting Lieutenant Daniel Malarkey
FF/Driver Austin Drew
FF Kaylee Cappello
FF William Hetherington

Rescue 1
Captain Jacques Roy
FF/Driver Christopher Broadbent
FF Gregory Beach
FF Patrick Gill

Engine 5 
Acting Lieutenant Stephen Walsh
FF/Driver Paul Calabrese
FF Riley Cronin
FF Nathan Ethier

Mechanical Division
Mechanical Supervisor Frank Docimo
Fire Mechanic Jason LoRusso


Emergency Medical Services Awards are for exemplary action at a medical service call, or when rendering life-saving aid while off duty. The following Emergency Medical Services Awards are being issued tonight.

522 Glenbrook Road – January 3, 2024
Incident #24-00076

On January 3rd, 2024, at 12:42 pm, Engine 6 & Glenbrook Engine 34 responded to 522 Glenbrook Road for a customer who had just passed out. Upon arrival with E34, E6 found a patient in cardiac arrest. Engine 34 Glenbrook volunteers initiated CPR compressions while the E6 crew began ventilation/airway management and AED application. The AED indicated the need for a shock. The patient was defibrillated by SFD personnel and regained a pulse before the arrival of Stamford EMS. The patient was transferred to the care of Stamford EMS and was transported with SFD personnel assisting to Stamford Hospital ER with a pulse and stable vital signs. In recognition of this exemplary effort, the Engine 6, Group 4 crew at the time of this call are awarded Emergency Medical Service Awards.

Engine 6
Acting Lieutenant James Duffy
FF/Driver Alessio Corrente
FF Patrick Gill
FF David Williams

811 Atlantic Street – June 30, 2024
Incident # 24-06566

On June 30, 2024, at 02:12 am, Engine 2 responded to 811 Atlantic Street for a patient having difficulty breathing, who had collapsed and was unresponsive. Upon arrival, Engine 2 found a patient in cardiac arrest. The crew moved the patient out of the bathroom and into a living area and initiated CPR. Stamford EMS arrived on scene and assumed patient care, with Engine 2’s crew continuing to assist with patient care. Stamford EMS transported the patient with SFD personnel assisting to Stamford Hospital ER. Stamford EMS and Stamford Fire members demonstrated remarkable teamwork and skill under pressure.

In recognition of this exemplary effort, the crew of Engine 2, Group 2, at the time of this call, are awarded Emergency Medical Service Awards.

Engine 2
Lieutenant Brian Rosero
FF/Driver Thomas Gibbons
FF Brian Slattery
FF Collin Bowen

Special Thanks…

The Stamford Fire Department wishes to extend its sincere thanks and appreciation to the following organizations and individuals for their assistance with the Swearing-in & Award Ceremony:

Stamford Firefighters Local 786 Honor Guard
Stamford Professional Fire Fighters Association, I.A.F.F. Local 786
Fairfield County Police Pipes and Drums
Bill Tenca, Puckstopper Photography (

City of Stamford Fire Department Executive Staff

Fire Chief Robert Morris
Assistant Fire Chief Mike Robles
Deputy Chief John Pritchard
Deputy Fire Chief Eric Lorenz
Deputy Fire Chief Matt Palmer
Deputy Fire Chief Paul Newman
Deputy Fire Chief Victor Rella
Deputy Fire Chief Ryan Kerwin
Deputy Fire Chief Michael McCullagh
Deputy Fire Chief Carl Alton
Deputy Fire Chief Philip Hayes
Barbara Murphy, Admin. Supervisor
City of Stamford Fire Commission
Commissioner Geoff Alswanger, Chair
Commissioner Craig Baker
Commissioner Constance Hubbard
Commissioner Maria Linares
Commissioner Christopher Munger



Incident Details (if applicable):

Incident Number:
Incident Location:
Incident Date:


Deputy Chief Victor Rella Philip Hayes
(203) 977-5600


Stamford Fire Department Honors Bravery and Leadership at Swearing-In and Awards Ceremony

Posted: September 7, 2024
About the Author: Deputy Chief Philip Hayes
Deputy Chief Philip Hayes is a 37-year veteran of the Stamford Fire Department. He is currently assigned as a Deputy Chief in the Northern District. In addition to his regular Fire Officer duties, he is a Public Relations Officer, The DC in charge of the Marine Division, the developer of the website and serves on the Departments' IT Team. He is also an avid fan of Fire Department history.
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