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Monday, September 9, 2019 at 9:00 am at Fire Headquarters

(Stamford, CT 9/8/19) On September 9th, 2019 at 9:00 am Stamford Fire Lieutenant Sean Daly will receive the Police and Firemen's Insurance Association's Community Service Award. He is being recognized for his years of charitable work in the City of Stamford. In 2009 he organized the Stamford Firefighters St. Baldrick's team to raise funds for pediatric cancer research. Over the past ten years the team has raised $80,000.00 for this charity. Also, in 2010, he was a founding member of the Backyard Humanitarians whose goal is to help the local Stamford area with fundraising, assisting with volunteer projects, and related activities. The first project was a coat drive that provided hundreds of coats to needy persons in the Stamford Area. Since then they have participated in a wide range of projects designed to help those in need and to make Stamford an even better place to live.

In recognition of all his efforts the Police and Firemen's Insurance Association will be presenting Lt. Daly with the PFIA Community Service Award. The award will be presented at the City of Stamford Fire Department Fire Headquarters, 629 Main Street in Stamford at 9:00 am.


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Deputy Fire Chief Patrick Tripodi
(203) 977-5600


City of Stamford Fire Lieutenant to Receive Community Service Award

Posted: September 8, 2019
View Count: 606
Categories: Media Releases