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Stamford Firefighters from the Woodside Fire Station, Engine Company 5, responded to 293 Bridge Street for a carbon monoxide alarm investigation. On arrival, the Firefighters tested the atmosphere in the attached residential apartment complex and found extraordinary amounts of the lethal gas in the apartment.

Additional fire apparatus from the Woodside, Westside and Central Fire stations were dispatched to search for and evacuate distressed occupants in the complex. The Firefighters wore self contained breathing apparatus to aid their searches due to the abnormally high levels of the carbon monoxide gas migrating into neighboring apartments. A total of five apartments were searched. All residents were accounted for and no medical attention was required.

The source of the carbon monoxide leak was due to a faulty heating appliance. The fuel and electrical power was removed from the appliance.

The affected apartments were ventilated of the deadly gas using high powered fans and the atmosphere was retested for traces of carbon monoxide which returned to normal levels.

The Stamford Fire Department would like to remind all residents that carbon monoxide is an odorless, tasteless and colorless gas. A carbon monoxide alarm should be installed in a central location outside each sleeping area and on every level of the home. If the carbon monoxide alarm sounds, immediately exit the home to a fresh air location, account for all occupants in the home and call your local Fire Department from a fresh air location or a neighbor’s home.

If you are in need of smoke or carbon monoxide detector please contact [email protected]

Incident Number: SFD15-0008659
Incident Date: Monday, October 26, 2015 at 10:33 PM
Incident Location: 293 Bridge Street

Carbon Monoxide Mishap in Occupied Building Averted

Posted: October 27, 2015
About the Author: Deputy Chief Philip Hayes
Deputy Chief Philip Hayes is a 37-year veteran of the Stamford Fire Department. He is currently assigned as a Deputy Chief in the Northern District. In addition to his regular Fire Officer duties, he is a Public Relations Officer, The DC in charge of the Marine Division, the developer of the website and serves on the Departments' IT Team. He is also an avid fan of Fire Department history.
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