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920x920(Stamford, Connecticut) City of Stamford Firefighter Rocco Terenzio, assigned to the West Side Fire Station, has been awarded the Police and Firemen’s Insurance Association’s Heroes Hall of Fame award. The award recognizes acts of bravery on or off duty that leads to the saving of another’s life. The incident for which he is receiving the award occurred in March 2015 in the Town of Greenwich. Firefighter Terenzio, while off duty and without the benefit of personal protective clothing or a charged hose line, entered a burning building and rescued an injured civilian. This fire was the result of a major explosion that occurred within the building adding to the risk of the rescue. The victim was removed from the scene by EMS and has recovered from his injuries. If not for the quick action of Firefighter Terenzio, the victim’s injuries may have been more extensive or even fatal.

Firefighter Terenzio will receive his award at Stamford Fire Headquarters, 629 Main Street, on Wednesday, September 23rd, 2015 at 10:00 am.

Police and Firemen’s Insurance Association as well as the officers and members of the City of Stamford Fire Department salute Firefighter Terenzio for a job well done!!


Deputy Chief Patrick Tripodi
[email protected]
Office Phone: (203) 977-4654

Stamford Firefighter Receives Life Saving Award

Posted: September 20, 2015
About the Author: Deputy Chief Philip Hayes
Deputy Chief Philip Hayes is a 37-year veteran of the Stamford Fire Department. He is currently assigned as a Deputy Chief in the Northern District. In addition to his regular Fire Officer duties, he is a Public Relations Officer, The DC in charge of the Marine Division, the developer of the website and serves on the Departments' IT Team. He is also an avid fan of Fire Department history.
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